Sustainable Community Food Systems
Offering a unique opportunity to connect theory and practice through classroom-based work with service learning and hands-on experiences in the local community.
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Welcome to the Program
Sustainable Community Food Systems (SCFS) is a minor in Environmental Studies, an interdisciplinary program within the College of Liberal Arts & Science. SCFS, is an innovative, immersive academic program with an emphasis on the intersections of food sustainability, environmentalism, and social justice. read more
The SCFS minor curriculum is comprised of 3 components that could be done in three semesters.
A major/minor in Environmental Studies, including the Sustainable Community Food Systems minor, can lead to a career in a variety of fields, including public policy, environmental education, eco-tourism, marketing or consulting, journalism, or advocacy. The interdisciplinary skills one will obtain, help tailor your experience to the career path you wish to follow.

Internship Opportunities
“For me, learning is the process of incorporating something new into my self– into my mind, my heart, and the way I see the world around me. It demands that I am intimately involved with what I’m learning. “Experiential learning” is another word for the same thing, and Sustainable Community Food Systems will give me that opportunity. As a current Spring Valley farmer, I can say that almost all of my true learning happens here at the farm already.” -Jessica L.W.
“Sustainable Community Food Systems was an experience that I pursued because I was curious about life on the farm and about the local food systems that UConn was involved in. By digging in, and getting involved, I developed not only new skills, but also connections to my fellow student farmers that offered new perspectives on local food systems and sustainability. We all learned from each other, not just from a lecture, and the process was fun! If you’re interested in collaborative and hands on learning then Sustainable Community Food Systems is definitely the place for you.” ~Alana D.